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Garden Leave in the UK: Understanding its Implications for Employers

Garden leave in the UK

If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ll likely have encountered instances where an employee, usually a director or manager, suddenly seems to be off work before vanishing altogether. Why? They could well have been placed on “garden leave”. In the realm of employment law, garden leave is a term used to describe a situation where an employer instructs an employee who is leaving the company to serve their notice period away from the workplace while still receiving full pay and benefits1. During this period, the employee remains contractually bound and is typically prohibited from commencing new employment elsewhere. It’s a useful mechanism: Garden leave provides employers with a valuable tool to protect their interests and confidential information during a critical transition. This article explores the concept of garden leave, its significance, and its effects on employers in the UK. 

The Concept of Garden Leave 

Garden leave, also known as “gardening leave,” is designed to protect an employer’s legitimate business interests when an employee resigns or is served with notice of dismissal. Instead of immediately releasing the employee from their duties and responsibilities, the employer places them on garden leave for the duration of their notice period. This practice ensures that the employee is kept away from sensitive information, clients, and competitors during the transition period, safeguarding the company’s confidential information and business relationships2. 

Key Aspects 

Contractual Obligations 

Garden leave is typically established through the employment contract. Employers often include specific garden leave clauses that outline the conditions under which the employee may be placed on garden leave and the rights and obligations of both parties during this period. These clauses are subject to negotiation during the hiring process, so it is crucial for both parties to have a clear understanding of their implications. 

Pay and Benefits 

During garden leave, the employee remains on the company’s payroll and continues to receive their salary and benefits as stipulated in the employment contract. This ensures that the employee is not financially disadvantaged during the notice period. 

Purpose and Benefits of Garden Leave 

Garden leave serves multiple purposes, primarily benefiting employers in several ways: 

Safeguarding Confidential Information 

By keeping an employee on garden leave, employers can prevent them from accessing sensitive company information or proprietary data, reducing the risk of it being misused or taken to a competitor. 

Protecting Client and Customer Relationships 

Employers can use garden leave to prevent departing employees from contacting and poaching clients or customers, thus safeguarding these valuable business relationships. 

Non-Compete Enforcement 

Garden leave acts as an alternative to traditional non-compete clauses, achieving the same result of restricting an employee’s ability to work for a competitor during the notice period. 

Knowledge Transfer 

During garden leave, the departing employee’s responsibilities can be transferred to other team members, ensuring a smoother transition and continuity in business operations. 

Maintaining Client Relationships 

For businesses that heavily rely on client relationships, garden leave provides an opportunity for a smooth transition of responsibilities to a new employee. It allows the company to reassign the departing employee’s clients to other team members, ensuring continuity and preventing any sudden disruption in services. 

Legality and Implications 

Legal Basis for Garden Leave 

In the UK, the practice of garden leave is generally based on the terms outlined in the employment contract. If the employment contract explicitly includes a garden leave clause, the employer has the right to enforce it upon termination. This makes it crucial for employers to draft clear and enforceable garden leave clauses in employment contracts to ensure they can exercise this right effectively3. 

Duration of Garden Leave 

The duration of garden leave can vary depending on the employee’s role, seniority, and the specific circumstances surrounding their departure. It is common for garden leave periods to range from a few weeks to several months. Employers must strike a balance between protecting their interests and acting reasonably, as excessive garden leave periods may be seen as punitive and could potentially be challenged in court. 

Impact on Employees 

For employees, being placed on garden leave can be a double-edged sword. While they continue to receive full pay and benefits, they may face restrictions on securing new employment during this period, potentially prolonging their time out of work. 

Potential Legal Challenges 

While garden leave is a useful tool for employers, it is not without potential legal challenges. Courts may scrutinize garden leave clauses to ensure they are reasonable, not excessively restrictive, and do not unduly hinder the employee’s right to earn a living. An unenforceable or unfair garden leave clause may result in a breach of contract claim or constructive dismissal claim by the employee. 


Garden leave offers employers in the UK an effective means to protect their business interests during an employee’s notice period. By temporarily restricting the departing employee from working for competitors or poaching clients, employers can maintain control over confidential information and maintain business continuity. However, employers must be cautious in crafting garden leave clauses to ensure they are legally enforceable and do not infringe on the employee’s rights. Ultimately, a well-drafted and fair garden leave clause can provide both employers and employees with a reasonable and balanced solution during the transitional phase. 

James Dawson

James is our resident wordsmith and has many years of experience in writing about a huge variety of topics from HR to Occupational Health and beyond. He has been published in numerous magazines and news outlets, and especially enjoys researching and analysing the current trends in the modern business world.

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