
How can I improve attendance and discourage sporadic absence?

By Paula Hart / July 9, 2024
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For 40 years, HR:4UK has been a trusted partner, offering expert advice on a wide range of HR issues, both big and small. Lately, we have received numerous inquiries about managing sporadic absences in the workplace.   Many employers encounter issues with poor attendance and/or sporadic absences from time to time, the best way to encourage regular attendance is to promote communication.  So, how can employers tackle this issue effectively? To ensure effective management of employee attendance, it is essential…

Employment Probation Periods: A Wake-Up Call for Effective Probation Management

By Angela Clay / July 9, 2024
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Are you a business owner who has historically taken a relaxed approach to managing probation periods?  Will it surprise you that you are not alone!  Like many employers, you have found them to be too burdensome and have taken comfort in the two-year qualifying service requirement for unfair dismissal claims, which, let’s face it, provided a buffer to address performance issues without immediate legal repercussions. However, with the new Labour government’s proposed introduction of day one rights for employees, this…

Hiring School Children and Interns: Maximising Summer Success

By Angela Clay / July 9, 2024
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Are you a business owner experiencing a surge in workload as the summer season approaches? Do you find yourself considering the idea of bringing in fresh talent to inject new energy into your team? Perhaps you are excited about the possibility of mentoring a young professional while gaining some much-needed support for your growing projects. You might be aware that hiring an intern involves more than just filling a position and you want to understand the legal landscape, ensuring compliance,…

How to calculate holiday entitlement if an employee reduces their working week.

By Nita Joshi / June 6, 2024
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Quality advice has helped HR:4UK thrive for 40 years now. Throughout our time, we’ve helped and advised you on a whole variety of HR issues, big and small.  Recently, we’ve received quite a few questions regarding the impact on holiday entitlement when an employee is required or requests to work less days each week. Typical Question: When an employee requests to reduce the number of working days from 5 to 4, is their holiday entitlement affected? We have spoken to…

Unmasking Toxic Workplace Culture

By Angela Clay / June 6, 2024
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Imagine walking into your office on a typical Monday morning. The air feels thick with tension, but you can’t quite put your finger on why. The team, usually bustling with energy, seems subdued. There are whispers and uneasy glances exchanged across the room. As a manager, you are confident in your leadership and believe you’ve cultivated a positive work environment. Yet, something feels off. Later in the day, an email notification pops up on your screen with the subject line:…

Ensuring Salaried Employees meet National Minimum Wage standards

By Julie Spence / May 1, 2024
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We asked our advisor Julie Spence and here’s what she had to say: “Although the answer may seem simple Employers can often overlook salaried staff and only consider those that are paid hourly”. Over 524 employers were named and shamed by HMRC in March 2024 for underpaying employees—this left over 172,000 workers out of pocket and a sum of £16 million to be paid.   There’s a lot to consider, but as a general rule, you need to track every hour your employees…

New Statutory Carer’s Leave Policy

By Angela Clay / April 19, 2024
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From 6 April 2024, there is a new statutory right to carer’s leave, as outlined in the Carer’s Leave Act 2023 and further detailed in the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024. This progressive change signals a new era of support for employees shouldering caring responsibilities, ensuring they receive the leave they need from day one of their employment. What This Means for You and Your Team: Immediate Eligibility: From their first day, employees can avail themselves of carer’s leave, ensuring support…

Difficult Employee Series: Uncooperative Behaviour

By Angela Clay / April 15, 2024
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Whether it’s resistance to teamwork, defiance of company policies, or a general lack of team spirit, addressing uncooperative behaviour is vital for maintaining a positive and productive work environment. In the latest of our Difficult Employee Series, we’ll explore different types of uncooperative behaviour and provide strategies for managing it effectively. “When you don’t respond to bad behaviour, you get more of it.” Understanding Uncooperative Behaviour Uncooperative behaviour can manifest in various ways. But what is uncooperative behaviour?  Uncooperative behaviour…

2024 Statutory Changes : Everything Employers Need to Know

By Angela Clay / March 27, 2024
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It’s that time again, on April 1st the Government will introduce changes to statutory payment rates. It happens every year, and 2024 is no exception. Across our 40 years in HR, we’ve seen many changes to employment law. So, make yourself a cup of tea, put your feet up, and we’ll walk you through all you need to know. Changes Coming in April Statutory Maternity Pay One of the most significant changes coming in April is statutory maternity pay. Although…

Understanding the 2024 National Minimum Wage Increase

By Angela Clay / March 18, 2024
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The most recent government guidelines represent a seismic increase in payment rates across the board. But it’s not as simple as doing a blanket increase in payroll. At HR:4UK, we have 40 years of experience dealing with payroll adjustments, and by outsourcing your payroll, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that you are compliant. In November of 2023, the British Government outlined its biggest-ever increase to the National Minimum Wage. The pay boost is worth up to…

smiley face with a bandage on to represent sickness

National Sickie Day rethinking Workplace Absences

By Angela Clay / February 6, 2024
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National Sickie Day falls on the first Monday of February. It’s an unofficial occasion marked by a notably high number of employees calling in sick. Originally identified by research in 2011, National Sickie Day sees upwards of 375,000 employees call in sick, citing reasons ranging from genuine illness to more dubious excuses.          The term has sparked debates about why employees might feel compelled to take unplanned days off, including workplace culture, mental health, and work-life balance concerns. It presents an opportunity for…

image showing the relationship between training and learning and apprenticeships

Is your Business aware of National Apprenticeship Week?

By Angela Clay / February 5, 2024
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National Apprenticeship Week runs from 5th to 11th February across England marking the perfect time for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to explore how apprenticeships can help their business.  This week not only marks a celebration of apprenticeship success stories but is also a reminder for businesses to understand and leverage the benefits of apprenticeships. In this article, we’ll explore apprenticeships, their advantages for companies, and the key things SMEs should consider when taking apprentices on. Understanding Apprenticeships Apprenticeships are…

office setting with red heart shaped balloons

Love & Leadership: Workplace Romances

By Angela Clay / February 5, 2024
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As Valentine’s Day draws near, employers must thoughtfully address the dynamics of workplace romances.  Balancing employee privacy with organisational interests is delicate, especially when personal relationships in the office lead to complex situations. Workplaces are social hubs where friendships form, and on occasions for the relationship to evolve into romantic relationships.  While many of these don’t disrupt the work environment, they may create challenges for businesses.   Embracing the upside of workplace romances Workplace romances are often viewed through a…

employee handing in resignation letter

They Ask, We answer: Navigating Spur-of-the-Moment Resignations: An Employers’ Quick Guide

By Angela Clay / January 25, 2024
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In the high-stress environment of the modern workplace, it’s not uncommon for emotions to run high, leading to impulsive decisions. One such critical moment is when an employee resigns abruptly during a contentious or stressful situation. These ‘heat of the moment’ resignations can leave employers in a tricky position, balancing the need for stability and order with understanding and legal compliance. In this quick guide, we delve into the common questions employers face during these tense moments, providing clear, actionable…

a couple in an office setting going through divorce

Divorce in the workplace Action Points for Employers

By Angela Clay / January 24, 2024
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Divorce in the workplace can be a tumultuous period for employees, impacting their performance and well-being. As an employer, it’s essential to offer appropriate support and ensure a compassionate, legally compliant work environment. Here are key action points to consider: Acknowledge the Issue: Understand that divorce is a significant life event that can impact an employee’s work. Furthermore be prepared to address it sensitively. Respect Privacy: Always handle discussions about an employee’s divorce with sensitivity. Ensure confidentiality and let the…

Understanding Heat of the Moment Resignations: A Guide for Employers

By Angela Clay / January 9, 2024
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The workplace is often a hub of high pressure and intense interactions, where conflicts among staff can escalate quickly. In such a tense atmosphere, how should an employer react when an employee, caught in a contentious exchange with their manager, impulsively resigns, only to withdraw their resignation shortly after? ‘Heat of the moment’ resignations is a hot topic in our Employment Appeal Tribunals, so let’s delve a little deeper to see what lessons can be learned. What is a Heat…

Navigating Divorce in the Workplace: A Guide for Employers

By Angela Clay / January 9, 2024
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January is often dubbed as the “Divorce Month,” whether this is a myth or reality, we simply don’t know but January usually marks a traditional spike in the number of couples deciding to part ways, with the pressures of the Christmas season being the last straw.   Alongside moving home, death of a loved one, divorce is one of the most stressful life events that a person can ever go through. But what does this mean for an employer, I hear…

Broadening the Scope of Occupational Health in the Workplace

By Angela Clay / January 9, 2024
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In the dynamic world of small businesses, the health and well-being of employees are paramount. Engaging with occupational health services early can yield substantial benefits, enhancing employee well-being and productivity, reducing absenteeism, and fostering a positive work environment. Occupational health services traditionally focus on assisting employees in returning to work after long-term sickness absence or injury. However, it’s increasingly recognised that occupational health can play a crucial role in supporting employees who, despite health challenges, wish to remain at work.…

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