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Contracts of Employment

Every employee must receive a contract of employment (or a written statement of their particulars of employment) on day one, setting out their terms and conditions of employment. You may also want to provide a suite of policies and procedures setting out your working practices when a new member of staff joins your organisation.

HR:4UK have four decades of experience working closely with employers to create statements of employment, contracts, and full staff handbooks. We are here to help you protect your business by fulfilling your legal requirements regarding contracts, but also to support the onboarding of new staff members in a meaningful way.

We are here to help – all our contracts of employment and other documentation are cloud based, so can be accessed anywhere and anytime. HR:4UK are unique as we keep your contracts of employment up to date, automatically amending them in real time when there are legal changes meaning that your contracts of employment are always legally compliant

We can manage the HR procedures around your contracts of employment so you can spend your time running your business with the headache of non-compliance when it comes to your contracts of employment.

This employment guide sets out what information the law says you must provide to your employees about the terms and conditions of their employment.


The law says that employees must be provided with certain basic information setting out key employment terms. Failure to provide this information raises the risk that your employees can make a complaint to an employment tribunal and can receive compensation of up to four weeks pay.

Statement of employment

The minimum information which needs to be provided to your employees in a written statement, which is generally referred to a ‘Section 1 statement’, is:

  • Name of the employer and employee.
  • Date the employment started and any period of continuous employment.
  • Location (or locations) where the employee will be required to work.
  • Job title and job description.
  • Hours of work.
  • Pay or salary and how this will be paid, eg weekly or monthly.
  • Holiday pay and entitlement.
  • Details of any collective agreement with a trade union.

Additional information

In addition to the Section 1 statement you must also provide employees with the following information:

  • Sickness pay and rules.
  • Pension rights.
  • Disciplinary procedure.
  • Appeal procedure.
  • Grievance procedure.

All of the above can be included separately in a contract of employment, staff handbook or available online via a company intranet.

Contracts of Employment Law

HR:4UK has an in depth understanding of the obligations set out in law regarding contracts of employment. We are here to ensure that you and your business can easily comply with your responsibilities under the law. Employment contract law clearly outlines specific information, setting out key employment terms, that a new employee must receive on their first day of employment. Failure to provide this information puts your business at risk. Our team of HR professionals will work with you to meet your duties under employment law.

Our personal approach means that our guidance is always tailored specifically to your business needs. Let our team assist your business and contact us now.

You are required to provide your employees with a written statement of their particulars of employment on day 1 of their employment.

Although you can ‘get away’ with just issuing a Section 1 statement, we recommend that you give serious consideration to setting out in writing all the terms and conditions, policies and procedures you want your employees to follow. This enables you to set out in detail what you expect from your staff and also enables you to lay down rules and procedures as to how you will manage and address work-related issues.

You may have a business where you need to set out certain working practices, codes of behaviour or conduct, dress codes, driver policies, operational and administrative procedures. Having these clearly set out in a written form or online provides you with the assurance and protection that, should you need to address any issues, you have a clear legal basis to take some action.

Getting it right

HR:4UK can help you stay on the right side of the law with your employment documentation. We have over three decades of experience working closely with employers, drafting contracts of employment and staff handbooks to make sure they meet all legal requirements and have terms and conditions which support their business.

Our employment documentation is ‘cloud-based’ so that you and your employees can access it from any internet connected device at any time of day or night. You also have the reassurance that your contracts of employment are always up to date, as we automatically amend them when there are any legal changes and issue appropriate notifications to employees.

For further help and advice, speak to one of our advisors by calling 01455 444222 or complete our contact form and an advisor will contact you shortly.

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